Timika City Consumer Price/Inflation Index Development, November 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mimika Regency

Timika City Consumer Price/Inflation Index Development, November 2021

Release Date : December 2, 2021
File Size : 3.19 MB


In November 2021, Timika City experienced inflation of 0.13 percent with
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 108.06. Based on Agency monitoring
Central Statistics in 90 cities CPI, 84 cities experienced inflation and 6 cities experienced
deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Sintang at 2.01 percent and the lowest inflation
occurred in Bima and Pontianak by 0.02 percent. While the highest deflation
occurred in Kotamobagu, namely 0.53 percent and the deepest deflation occurred in
Tual is 0.16 percent. Timika City ranks 45th in Level
National and ranked 7th at the Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua (Sulampua) levels
Inflation in Timika City in November 2021 occurs due to price increases
as indicated by the increase in the expenditure group index in: group
food, beverages, and tobacco by 0.66 percent; housing group, water,
electricity, and household fuel by 0.24 percent, equipment group,
equipment, and household routine maintenance by 0.35 percent, group
recreation, sports, and culture by 0.35 percent; and treatment group
personal and other services by 0.07 percent.
Timika City calendar year inflation rate (January–November) 2021 is 0.84
percent and year-on-year inflation rate (October 2021 versus October 2020)
by 1.19 percent.
Foodstuffs in October 2021 experienced inflation of 0.83 percent.
The inflation rate for foodstuffs for the calendar year (January–November) 2021 is
-0.37 percent and year-on-year foodstuff inflation rate (November 2021
against November 2020) by 0.76 percent.
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